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Can plants really make the best fish?

Reformulated algae set to replace controversial salmon

Reporting by Beatrice Ashkanfar

3D printed salmon doesn’t sound like the most appetising option on a menu, but it may be filling restaurants, kitchens and supermarket shelves before too long. Austrian company Revo Foods and Israel-based Plantish have both developed salmon steak alternatives that claim to contain all of the nutritional benefits of salmon without any of the environmental impacts.

Both companies use a recipe containing amino acids, algae and a combination of plant-based proteins.

Intensive salmon farming is notoriously bad for marine habitats. The high numbers of fish farmed at sea has created a rise in fish mortality thanks to sea lice infestations - they have been found to eat salmon alive. Operators frequently take action anti-lice precautions using antibiotics which subsequently damage surrounding marine life.

Perhaps most critically, the small fish that are used to feed salmon are frequently taken from developing countries leading to marine eco system collapse in areas such as West Africa.

Over the coming years expect to see more innovation in this space as a way to feed our fishy appetite. “But what about the taste?” I hear you ask. It’s rumoured to look too good to be true and taste better than the real thing. So without drastic reform to salmon farming, you could expect to have a smoked algae bagel or a steamed pea protein steak before too long.

Pic credit: Oxana Kolodina

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