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P is for Pence, President and Pussy.

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

Trump was right. Pence is a pussy.

Frustrated at a lack of progress in getting Vice President Mike Pence to ignore the results of America’s 2020 election, Donald Trump was reported in a final showdown to have called Pence, a wimp and a pussy.

While Pence is credited by many for his actions on January 6th in upholding the Constitution - the guy was just opening envelopes and affirming results, so no real heroism here folks – his refusal to obey subpoenas and testify to the January 6th Committee and now a grand jury in the DOJ’s investigation belies what he’s prepared to say to friendly crowds about ‘accountability’ for those responsible, as opposed to his duty to testify under oath for lawful requests for information.

It is whispered that the P-man wants his own shot at a Presidential run, so won’t comply with authorities seeking evidence on the criminal conspiracy behind the plot to subvert the election results because that will disenfranchise a whole section of right-wing voters who hang on to Trumpian theories of fraud. No conspiracy = no votes.

So, for the P-man who didn’t push back at being called ‘pussy’ and who wants to be President, here’s some other ‘P’ words that considers as monikers more appropriate; that better fit Pence’s demonstrated lack of morals and spine:

Phony, pathetic, placid, puerile, prudish, pointless, pliable, pompous, parasite, pedantic, paltry, and pedestrian. Definitely not presidential.

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